Black Cowboys in 21st Century Chicago

Black Cowboys at BVIC

Stop by the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center (BVIC) to check out the photographic exhibit about modern day black cowboys by curator George E. Jones.  The exhibit closes on Monday, March 1, 2010.  BVIC is located at 411 East 35th Street.  Call 773.373.2842 for more information about the black cowboys or the visitor center.

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  1. Of course, BLACK Cowboys were heroic. So, it does not surprise me when I hear about or see black men in traditional attire @ work, formals, or play. Cowboys are always ready for anything.I am a cowboy born on a horse. See ya on the trails.Baptiste

  2. I am Looking for horseback riding lessons for me and my son I live on the north side of chicago. Any black cowboys out there willing to teach us! Thanks E mail Me!

  3. There are. I know they are in the South Suburbs. I don’t have their information but you can Google them.

  4. There’s are a few ranches in the south suburbs. Do a search and I’m sure you can find them.

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