Updated 8/12: $200 Clothing Vouchers for Chicago Public School Students

Click here for updated information about school clothing assistance.


How To Obtain a $200 Carson Pirie Scott Clothing Voucher

This information tells you how to obtain a $200 Chicago Public School clothing voucher, not Carson Pirie Scott.

* Student must attend a CPS school (K-12)
* Contact your child’s school and ask for a CTU (Chicago Teachers Union) delegate
* The delegate will contact Connie Thorps at CPS for an application.

That was the message that was on Ms. Thorps voicemail when I called to confirm if this was true. If you know anything different, please let me know.

Please note that you can only get a voucher every other year. You will not be eligible next year.

Contact your child’s school for more details.

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  1. There is an error in the statement “How To Obtain a $200 Carson Pirie Scott Clothing Voucher”
    It should read “How to Obtain a $200 Chicago Public School Clothing Voucher”

  2. The message from Connie Thorpes says to contact your schools union delegate and have the union delegate to contact her for an application, there are 5 apps per elementary school and 10 per High school

  3. First of all, the voucher is true. My friend’s daughters attend Beasley, a CPS school. They put her name down because they ran out of the forms. Some schools are un-informed, and their CTU representatives are lazy. I am going through hoops just to get one for my daughter. What I do know is – if they dare tell me it’s a lie, I’m going downtown to the headquarters and file a complaint.

  4. There are also limited amounts of applications/vouchers sent out to each school applicable to receive the voucher. Call Ms. Thorps to ask her. I believe she told me that there were only 20 vouchers per school or less for high school students. But this is a legit offer.

  5. I understand that only 20 cps schools were chosen to recieve these clothing forms. Do anyone know if this is true or not?

  6. Just called the contact number above and was told to contact the school’s delegate on the first day of school and they are only giving out 5 vouchers per school.

  7. I called my child’s school five times regarding the clothing vocher and the school was not aware or should i said unorganized because they keep telling me to call back and if there is only going to be such limited help, why bother spreading the info of getting help.

  8. Well, can somebody help me with this matter? Because Spencer, my son’s school is Track E, I called before it opened to speak to a Teacher Delegate. She told me that I am the only one n when the form come in she let me know. To this day 10/22/2010. All I hear she waitin for a meeting and I am still the only one Requested. So if it for helpin me as a Single Parent to buy things for my Son n School. Then why it Oct 22, 2010. I still have not filled out no paper work or meeting. I keep callin n going up to the school with all my paper work n told they to busy to help me and they will call me.. My email is Mr. DDBright@yahoo.com and my Son is in the 1st grade honor student at Spencer.. Can somebody Help this Single Parent Father????

  9. that what they tellin me at Spencer School. So are the Employers using this for there family members who go to the school or they picking who they wants to actually get it.
    I been askin since Aug 2, 2010 and it now Oct 22, 2010 – Help me with Spencer School!

  10. Mr. Bright, it’s not the school holding up the process; it’s the teacher’s union. Contact Ms. Connie Thorps from Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU) at 312-329-9100 to check the status.

  11. I recieved an application from my child’s school but I have not gotten any update on the status of my voucher. I called Connie Thorps and left her a message. I hope she returns my call?!

  12. I am a single mother of four and i am homeless i dont have nothing for my kids to go to school can someone please,help me

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