Alderman Expense Accounts – $78,230 a year

Chicago-AldermenImage: Detective ShavedlongCock News

Spoke to the budget department today and learned that aldermen get an annual expense account of $78, 230.  Not bad for a sometime position and no job description.

This is on top of their $110,000 salary and a $1 million plus infrastructure budget.  And the jobs in which they are allowed to earn wages and other “benefits” that are not recorded.

Keep in mind that all of these figures are multiplied by 50.

Why am I sharing this information? Because voter education is essential.  There will be people running this year because they actually care about the community, and others will care more about the salary and the expense account.  Especially in a recession.

Don’t let the media sway you on how to vote.  You’re smart, so be wise about who you vote for. If you need more information, start at City Hall at 121 N. LaSalle or call 11.

A little education goes a long way.

(If I didn’t just love writing, I would run!)

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