Apply for Chicago Police Officer Written Exam Through November 26th

Chicago Police Superintendent Announces Written Exam for Chicago Police Officer

Chicago Police
Recruitment Efforts to Focus on Applicant Diversity, Maturity and Military Experience

Chicago — Superintendent Jody P. Weis announced that the City will be administering the Pre-employment Written Exam for the position of Chicago Police Officer on December 11, 2010, at McCormick Place in Chicago. Applications will be accepted online through November 26, 2010 at

“The Chicago Police Department has reviewed hiring and recruiting procedures and practices conducted by other major police departments. Based on a careful review, the Department is making changes to enhance the eligibility process, increase outreach and partnerships and focus on long term recruitment efforts,” said Chicago Police Department Superintendent Jody P. Weis at the press conference held at the Police Department Training Academy, 1300 W. Jackson.

The most significant change is the increased age requirement for non-military applicants as well as a 20 percent preference consideration given to military applicants.

In order to encourage a more established and mature police force, the Department is raising the minimum application age from 21 years of age to 25 years of age for non-military personnel.  Military personnel with appropriate service can apply at 21 years of age. However, you must be less than 40 years old at the time of hire.

A Veteran’s preference has also been created, which requires that a minimum of 20 percent of applicants referred for each class will be military veterans, provided that a sufficient number of veterans apply for the position.

“The Chicago Police Department continues to look to best practices to enhance recruiting, attract high quality candidates, and promote diversity through external and internal mechanisms,” said Weis.

The Department will continue to collaborate with community and business partners to increase its overall applicant pool. In 2010, Chicago Police Department members attended over 126 community recruitment events at locations including Colleges and Universities, Veteran’s Groups/Military/Government, and Aldermanic Community Fairs.

The City continues to work increase and enhance its outreach efforts for Veterans who are interested in future employment with the City of Chicago.

Currently the Department of Human Resources provides job counseling and technical support in developing on-line profiles and resumes for Veterans seeking employment with any City department. The City will continue to work with all departments to better service Chicago Veterans.

In addition, the Chicago Police Department will set up three make-up exams for returning Veterans who are unable to take the regularly scheduled pre-employment exam that is needed for the eligibility process. Additional make-up exams for military personnel may be scheduled, if necessary.

Eligibility Requirements include:

Age – To apply, you must be at least 25 years old by the date of application unless you are a current or former member of the Armed Forced of the United States with a minimum of 3 consecutive years of active duty, in which case you must be at least 21 years old. You must be less than 40 years old at the time of hire.

Drivers License – You must have a valid driver’s license to apply and will need a valid Illinois driver’s license at the time of hire.

Education/ Military Service – In order apply, you must have:

* 60 semester or 90 quarter hours from an accredited college or university; or
* Served 3 full consecutive years on active duty in the Armed Forced of the United States; or
* 30 semester or 45 quarter hours from an accredited college or university and served 1 consecutive year on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States.

Residency Requirement – You are not required to be a resident of the City of Chicago at the time of application. However, you will be required to be a resident of the City of Chicago if hired.

Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (FOID) – You will need a FOID card issued by the State of Illinois at the time of hire.

Hiring Process – You will be required to take an examination administered on December 11, 2010 at McCormick Place. After the examination, you will be required to undergo a background investigation, medical examination, psychological assessment, drug screens, fitness tests and other pre-employment procedures as determined by the Chicago Police Department before being eligible for hire.

If a candidate passes all of the aforementioned examinations, they are eligible to advance to the next phase in the Police Academy. At this point candidates are required to take over 20 exams including: 16 written exams, seven proficiency tests and all candidates must pass a State test in order to become a Chicago Police Officer.

At the conclusion of this process, the Department plans to hire two additional classes in 2011, adding between 150 to 200 new police officers to the force. That is in addition to the nearly 800 officers added to street duty over the past two years.

“I am pleased that this process is underway and I am confident that eligibility qualifications have been established to provide the residents of Chicago with the caliber of police officers that they have come to expect and deserve,” concluded Weis.

Additional information can be obtained by visiting and click on “Answer the Call” to link to the on-line application. If you have additional questions, please call 311 or the customer service line at 312-744-4976 Monday through Saturday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

For full details, go to

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