Blunts: 2 for $1

Blunts Blunts for Sale
Do You Have a Problem with This?

I turned purple when I saw this ad for blunts for sale. I was livid.  I immediately called my alderman’s office to report it.  Apparently, they are aware.  I was told they were going to call some department to report it.  They also also asked me if I minded identifying myself on the report.  No, I don’t.  In fact, I wish they would come to my site for evidence.

Let me share why my chocolate self turned purple after I saw this ad.

First of all, the owners are advertising this crap  like it’s OK.  They wouldn’t sell this in their own communities.  If they did, they wouldn’t have a big huge sign like this one announcing it.

Second, I wondered how many people actually cared after seeing it.  There’s a huge level of apathy in communities today, which is why such things continue to happen.  No one cares until something happens to them personally.

Lastly, I wondered how many people actually called someone with authority to report their dissatisfaction with this ad.  People these days tend to talk a lot about issues but don’t do anything at all.  The least they can do with all their yapping is to report problems to people in position to do something about it since they are not going to do anything about it personally.

Since I have expressed my anger with this ad, I really would like to know: does anyone else have a problem with blunts being sold out of a neighborhood stores?

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  1. I see these ads all the time in my neighborhood and I get upset. I call my alderman and she never does anything about them. So, I just stopped trying.

  2. It pisses me off to see these foreign people come to my community selling stuff like this to our kids. They wouldn’t sell it kids to in their communities. And the first thing they’ll do when something happens to or around their property is call the police even though they are inviting trouble. And another thing, we allow them to come into our communities and take our money to build their communities.

  3. I’m sorry to hear that the lack of response by your alderman has made you stop trying. I do ask that you continue to care. Something may not happen immediately, but progress will be made because you do. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I understand your sentiments. If you see any signs like this in the future, be sure to report them. Signs of caring people may prompt authorities to take action. Just keep caring!

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