“Can’t Stop Eating those Jays”….Yes, I Can

Jays Potato Chips

I had a bag of Hot Stuff Jays potato chips today, and I was sorely disappointed!

First of all, they do not taste the same as they did when they were under the ownership of Jays.  And, the bag was too small for the $1.00 price tag.   While I understand the prices of goods and services have increased over the years, it’s disappointing to know that quality and quantity of Jays have been sacrificed.  Now, this classic Chicago favorite has been ruined!

Have you any Jays snacks lately?  Did you taste a difference?

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  1. Yes, and I even discussed the current state of the products with a rep of Synders I ran into in a store in Indiana. I told him O-Ke-Doke has virtually no cheese taste anymore, outside of the Hot Stuff flavor it must have picked up by running through partially cleaned shared processing machines. He said he was unaware, and would “Look into it”.

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