Congratulations Mayor Rahm Emanuel!

Rahm Emanuel

After two decades of King Richard’s rule, Chicago now has a new mayor, Rahm Emanuel. From the news reports, it appears that people are optimistic about his leadership. We know some of the challenges he’s inherited and we hopeĀ  he has the support to work them with the new and current administration.

I personally hope he gives more attention to the South Side and the Chicago Public School system than Daley did. I hope he gives as much attention to South Shore that we know he’s going to give to North Shore. And I really pray that he doesn’t make charter schools a priority over the broken school system we have here. That really won’t solve the problem. And more than anything, let’s hope Mr. Emanuel can mend the budget without increasing unemployment which ultimately will result in more hopelessness and desperation which will result in even more crime on the South Side.

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