Could Karen Lewis Beat Rahm Emanuel for Mayor?

Karen Lewis vs. Rahm Emanuel

This is a legitimate question seeing as though Ms. Lewis has been the only person who has had the audacity to stand up to the little guy on a huge level. There were a few Aldermen who opposed him, but very few on the level Ms. Lewis has.

What really makes her a great contender is that she sincerely has the best interest of teachers and students at heart. How could anyone not appreciate a person who genuinely cares for others in this day and age of selfishness and self-centeredness? And she stood her ground without budging. She’s officially my Chicago heroine.

So, what do you think? Could Karen Lewis Beat Rahm Emanuel for Mayor of Chicago? Voice your thoughts in the comment box below.

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  1. I don’t think Karen Lewis can beat Rahm…but Chicago elections require 50% +1 vote to win…so if she was in the mix, she could DEFINITELY rally a good part of the opposition to vote.

    She would be a good contrast to other contenders, and would help to force Rahm into a runoff, where he would HAVE to attend debates (unlike the 2011 elections,which he boycotted except for a couple high profile ones on the South & West sides)

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