Did Your House Flood on July 24th?

basement flood

Complete a claim form from the Office of the Chicago City Clerk to attempt to recover all or part of the cost of repair.

Also, complete a flood damage assessment form because the city is trying to get flood assistance from the federal government. Instructions for completing the form is also on the site.

Complete both of those as soon as possible.  Call the City Clerk’s office at 312.744.4103 if you have any questions.

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  1. Research
    shows that almost 100% of all basements will suffer some form of basement
    flooding at some point in their existence.  “Almost 100%”
    translates into “it’s certain”.  It makes sense,
    too, because basements are the single lowest location in any structure, and
    excess water is always going to flow downhill.  Put the two
    together and you have an unwelcome flooded basement.

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