Do Those Blue Light Cameras Really Fight Crime? 3 Reasons Why I Say No!

Blue Light Camera

There are thousands of blue light cameras around Chicago and I have to say that they do not work. While I don’t have specific numbers on how many cameras there are and I do not have an exact count on the crime rates, I can say, with confidence, that these cameras DO NOT WORK. As a side note: I can also say that the City could have spent that money more productively, like providing jobs to young people to potentially reduce the need for these cameras

All you have to do is look at any local news station or check out crime statistics on EveryBlock Chicago. I promise, there are at least 50 crimes a day reported and documented in my zip code based on my daily updates from EveryBlock. And I dare not mention all of the personal stories I’ve heard.

Also, if there are thousands of cameras that are functioning as they should, how many are actually manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? With the city’s cut in budget and staff, I doubt if half are covered.

Lastly, if people who think they want to commit crimes know that they are being watched by the camera, why would they do it under these invisible eyes? Some people are bold and crazy enough to do things; most people aren’t.

Those are the three reasons why I don’t think they work? What about you? Do you think these cameras help fight crime?


Image: gobeyondsecurity

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  1. The camaras alone can’t fight crime! People have to be active in their community by attending CAPS meetings, forming Block clubs, establishing phone trees (when one person calls in a crime then the next person on the list reports the same crime in order to get a faster response), have a swept down (when a drug dealer is on the block all of the homeowners go outside and sweep until they leave.
    My friend window was broken and she went to the police and they pull the photos from the camera and issued warrants. The punk moved out of the neighborhood and tried to pay for the window before the police arrested him. They work only if the community work against the crime.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue. It is especially wonderful to hear about the warrants issued. That’s great stuff. And, I agree, the community MUST be involved.

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