Father’s Day Nominee: Tracy Robertson

I nominate Tracy Robertson.

Father's Day Nominee - Tracy Robertson

I was a single mother when we met. I wondered why a single, professional man would take on the responsibility of a woman with two kids, but he did, without hesitation. I now know that God gifted me with an angel who made me believe in the power and beauty of Fatherhood. “Pop”, as our eldest son calls him, is the only father that my son has known.

We later had “our” third child. In twenty years, he’s never made a difference between the they’s and we’s. We are all one family—one unit who he loves tremendously and for whom he sacrifices equally. He has provided a consistent and positive example for our kids—particularly our boys—of manhood and integrity.

Father's Day Nominee: Tracy Robertson2

Tracey Robertson

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  1. My dad always akes sure that his famly is always taken care of. He is my stepfather and has raised me like and made me fee like his own i look at him as my true fathr because he is amazing person He make sure we have what we need and what we want even if that means sacrificiing or missing out on something he wants to do. he make sure that we stay focused wether it be school or work. he supports us in al and every decision that we make.and whenever we fal off track he talks to us ratherthan yelling and lecturing us. Alot of children dont have a good relationship with their fathers. I love the fact that I will always have a father like mine who will always be there for me and support me. that is rare in thiis day andage. My father deserves to be honored and win this father;s day contest.

  2. I have been friends with Mr.Robertson wife since we we're 12 years Old…We're Now 40 and 41…She is the Oldest….LOL…I can personally tell you He is a excellent father…Timothy is his Biological Child with Tracey…And Even though Willie and Andrea are his step children….You can't tell…Because he has been a AMAZING FATHER TO THEM AS WELL….There is no difference in how he interacts with them or what he does for them….He is truly an Example of what Father should stand for!!!!!!

  3. I too, know the love of having a stepfather take you into his heart and call you his child. Anyone can “father” children, but it takes a lot to be a dad. Willie, Andrea and Timothy are amazing people and that comes from having parents that are dedicated to preparing them for life. I vote for Tracy Robertson as well.

  4. I am blessed with a wonderful family and I love them all from the bottom of my heart, like all families we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day it is all worth it when I see the smiles on their faces. Andrea congratulation on your recent graduation and in four years we will celebrate your next graduation, Timothy next week is your time and we all will congratulate you then and like your big sis we will celebrate you again in four years. Will you are great with both your younger siblings, you make me proud with your maturity keep it up.


  5. tracey has always been a rock for his children, yes he has earn this award, tracey please keep up the good work. go daddddddddddddddd

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