Free Fireman Training for Black Applicants – Saturday, October 15, 2011

Black Firemen

The African American Firefighters & Paramedic League and SmokeBuster’s II are providing a free training program for the 6,000-applicant pool who are eligible for employment on the Chicago Fire Department on Wednesday’s 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday’s from 1 to 3 pm. at Tuley Park, 501 East. 90th Place in Chicago.

The city was fined $30 million for discriminating against African American applicants and must hire 111 black firefighters. In an effort to ensure the success of those 111 applicants, James Winbush, retired Chicago Fire Department Captain, is providing free physical abilities training needed to pass the first phase of entry into the Fire Academy. You must pass the first phase to continue the training in the Chicago Fire Academy or you will be put back into the pool of people who don’t want employment and they would get an automatic $5,000. Either you get the job or you get $5,000.

The SmokeBuster II’s training program will continue until the Chicago Fire Department starts entry testing in November.


Image: Black America Web

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