1. There is a way to cut down on gun violence especially in Metropolitan areas such as Chicago Los agelos Detroit ect. The existing gun laws are not setup to do this. Using technology and law combine to regulate how guns are being used is the answer. The difference between the existing gun laws and gun regulation. Is that gun regulation challenges how a person is using their bullets as opposed to just letting someone go and purchase bullets without no accountability as to what they are doing with those bullets. To learn more about this and to see what role that you as a concerned citizen will play in helping save lives from gun violence. See the website http://www.holdthebullet.com

  2. Hello shortyIndaHouse, Citizens need to be educated on why the current gun control laws do not work today which is why you have the gun homicide rates constantly increasing. Citizens need to bring to the table of the law makers a plan that can work toward prevention of gun violence. The Mayor, State and Federal law makers only respond to feasible ideas. Gun regulation is the key. When you regulate a person gun usage only then can you control how that gun is being used and save lives in the process. There is a step by step process listed in the book including the gun regulation plan to submit to the state law makers. The more citizens are aware of this plan the better the chances of making gun regulation a mandate. Please read the book 'Tracking the bullet saved my child' A compelling story on how to cut down on gun violence.

  3. By getting together as a community and submitting a feasible gun violence prevention plan to State law makers. One that would cut down on gun violence. A gun regulation plan. Law makers such as State congressman city hall officials ect. All respond to feasible plans. Marching in the streets protesting gun violence does nothing to prevent or stop the gun violence. We need a gun regulation law and not just another gun control law that does nothing to prevent or challenge how a person is using their guns.

  4. “Gun regulation is the key.”
    Lets regulate Mcdonalds and Burger King too. More Americans die from obesity than from guns…

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And I will definitely share this thought on my blog as I kick off my Shorty Fitness Challenge for next month. This is awesome.

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