Have You Ever Been Mistreated by a CTA Bus Driver?


I had a conversation with an older woman with obvious limited mobility who said that a CTA bus driver would not drop the platform for her to step up.  She ended up falling and still had a bruise.  This bothered me because I have personally been left by drivers and I’ve seen drivers take off when they saw people running for the bus.  But to mistreat people with disabilities is beyond evil.

She didn’t tell me which line it was.  However, I’m sure she’s not the only person who has been mistreated.  And, I’m sure she didn’t call CTA to report it.  Like most people don’t.

Let us know your story if

  1. You have ever been mistreated by a CTA bus driver
  2. You have ever mistreated a bus driver (and are willing to admit it)
  3. You are a bus driver that has been mistreated

Can’t wait to read what happened!

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  1. I am a high school student that rides the CTA with a student riding permit. The permit states that a CTA official has the right to ask for a student i.d. I got on the bus the other day and the bus driver asked me for my i.d i told her i did not have it with me. She told me that i was probably not even a H.S. school student and told me that i had to pay full fare. I was trying to explain to her that I forgot it at home and planned to get a temp for the day but she would not let me talk, she just kept talking over me. She was starting to get rude so i just said fine let me off here and she said okay. As she was pulling over she said “why do people want to be pricks in this world these days, it”s only $2” I got very offended it and i simply said “exactly it’s only $2 and you just called me out of my name for $2, if i had them on me i would gladly pay the fare” She did not say anything after that. It was just so unnecessary to call me that.

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