Know of Any Scholarships and Grants for Education?

FREE Money for College

Seeking Scholarships and Grants for Education

In these days of financial challenges, there are still many people who desire higher education, and I would like to help provide resources for them. If you don’t already know, I HIGHLY value education and would like to make it easier for others by sharing scholarship and grant opportunities for them to go.

Here’s the thing. I will seek out and share resources, but the students have to do the work. Most scholarships require essays, and many people miss out because they don’t want to write them. This is one of the worst reasons to miss opportunities. Especially free money.

And I need help. I can’t do this alone. Let me know which books and other resources you use to find scholarships and grants for education, and I’ll do the same. All of the resources will be posted here on Shorty. Also, be sure to make sure these are legitimate resources before sharing. I have been receiving a listing of scholarships for the past few years, yet no one can tell me if they are legit. Lastly, I”m willing to conduct essay writing workshops for scholarships with advanced notice and planning.

Education Scholarships and Grants

Here’s a resourceĀ  to get get you started – your local library. I’ve already checked mineĀ  and will be visiting soon to review the books I found online to see if they provide good information and resources.

So, are you in with me? Can I count on you to be an ambassador by researching and sharing books and resources on scholarships and grants?


Image: opeek

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