Listing of February 2011 Chicago Candidates


I made several attempts to download the candidate listing from Chicago Board of Elections site, but the link didn’t load.  So, I contacted them directly for the list.  I even notified them that the link did not work.  Here is the response I received.

“Dear Voter,

Attached please find the list that is currently on the Board’s web site.”

Although I appreciate the list that was provided, this response annoyed me.  If I were able to get the  information directly from the site, I would not had been contacting them.   And, this person should have checked the link before responding.  Even though the person gave me what I needed, they still didn’t correct the problem.  Gotta love the efficiency of city workers!

So, here is the list of mayoral, aldermanic, city treasurer and city clerk hopefuls for February 2011.

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  1. Thank you so much for this list. I wonder though, out of the 22 pages, how many will still be standing by February.

  2. Why do all of these people think they are qualified to run this city? They are all a bunch of losers.

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