Microfilm Machines at Vivian Harsh Research Collection Needs Repair

Vivian Harsh


Actually, new machines are needed but since I’m not in a position to buy them, I’ll just note that the current machines need to be repaired.

So, here’s my story.

After months of not being able to research because of other priorities (yes, life happens), I still couldn’t use the Vivian Harsh Research Collection at Woodson Library to research because the microfilm machines were down.  Not just one or two machines, but ALL four of them! Seriously?

Okay, I have to admit that I’m spoiled knowing that I have a world class research center in my community and don’t have to go to Harold Washington Library downtown. However, what good is this resource if the tools don’t work? I mean, can we get at least two of the machines working?

Hey Chicago Public Library, really, can we get at least two of the microfilm machines at Vivian Harsh going soon?


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