Please Help Me Get to Blog World Expo – October 14 – 16


Hi All:

I am in need of sponsorship to the Blog World & New Media Expo in Las Vegas from October 14 – 17th.  This opportunity will not only allow me to gain the most recent developments in the blogging and social media world; it will allow me to get up close and personal to other bloggers and social media gurus to develop relationships that cannot be done online.

The cost of the Expo is $1195. Right now, the going rates for airfare and hotel for one person is approximately $800.

Donations can be financial; any Vegas hotel or airfare connections you have; or
accumulated points for airfare and hotel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In exchange for your sponsorship, I am going to share my knowledge with you via an educational session upon my return.  If you are not in Chicago, I will schedule a virtual video educational session.

Please call me at 877.570.5228 if you have any questions or would like to discuss any Vegas or airline connection you have. Otherwise, you can make a donation through PayPal below. Thanks for your help!

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