Political Updates on Shorty?

Political Updates on Shorty?

I know I mentioned in earlier posts that I am NOT a political person.  However, I can spot bull**** when I see it.

I feel inclined to discuss the upcoming circus of a mayor race that was created by Mayor Daley’s decision not to run for re-election.  I’m not totally sure, but I’m tempted.

Here’s the thing. I won’t be sharing the intricate details of developments because I’m not politically savvy.  And I know I won’t be sharing the most up-to-date information as Shorty is a hobby. But I am interested in knowing what’s going to happen.

In the meantime, if you want to share your thoughts, feel free to be a guest blogger.  You probably have more political knowledge than I do, so you are definitely welcome.  In the meantime, Shorty is debating about moving into an unknown, yet interesting territory.

Do you think Shorty should discuss political updates in the upcoming political races?  Are you willing to contribute as a guest blogger?

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