Save Troy Davis’s Life!!

Troy Davis

I have signed petitions from, and Amnesty International to save the life of Troy Davis. This young man is slated for execution on September 21st because he was accused killing a police officer almost two decades ago. In recent years, however, seven of the nine witnesses have altered their testimonies in some form, yet the justice system in Atlanta still wants to end his life. This is totally unfair, and we should all help to save this man’s life.

According to the International Business Times:

Davis was 19 years old when he was arrested for killing officer Mark MacPhail in 1989.

People are protesting because no murder weapon was found and there was no DNA evidence; he was arrested due to questionable witness statement and now they want a new trial for that case.

If you want to see justice served, go to, and Amnesty International and sign the petitions to save Troy Davis’ life.

In case you are having any reservations about helping this man, remember that the United States justice system is greatly flawed and someone close to you could be next.


Image: strasbourg.cafebabel

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  1. You know what? Most people don’t think he did it and the evidence said otherwise. He’s gone now, but it’s not over.

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