Shorty’s Lesson about Write-In Candidates


I called the Chicago Board of Elections to find out what a write-in candidate was. I was told that a write-in candidate did not meet the qualifications of being on the ballot.  Their eligibility was challenged and the court ruled against them. However, their names can still be written in on election day.  It is unknown if any write-in candidates have actually won elections.

Can someone answer the following questions for me?

  1. Are write-in candidates taken seriously?
  2. Why would people vote for write-in candidates if they didn’t qualify to be on the ballot?
  3. Can you write your own name even if you are not running for office?

Another lesson for today. Apparently, there is a court process when the petitions of potential candidates  are challenged.  Guess who pays for these court dates? Not the candidates. So, that is more money that is being taken away from relevant city services for unknown procedures and processes.  I can’t help but wonder: how much was actually spent on these proceedings this year?  After comparing the Aldermanic hopeful list in December to the current list, quite a few people have been  removed. And many were challenged.

What are your thoughts about write-in candidates?

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