Time Magazine named President Barack Obama as Person of the Year. So, here are Shorty’s People of the Year.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. The two escaped convicts, Kenneth Conley and Joseph “Jose” Banks are officially my People of the Year.
You have to admit that their actions are very admirable because not many people would have the gall to even think about getting away, let alone attempting to do it. But they did and got away! And we know that officers and everyone else who has heard this story are still scratching their heads on how it was done.
Following are the reasons they qualify to be my People of the Year.
Four Reasons Why Kenneth Conley and Joseph “Jose” Banks Are My People of the Year:
- They escaped from a federal pen. That was nearly impossible until they did it.
- They were downtown Chicago, one of the busiest areas of the city even when it’s not rush hour, and no one saw them.
- They got away. Now, this was pure genius. While some details are known, the true story will make a great movie.
- They have been gone for over 24 hours. This is amazing in itself. Honestly, this seems like a scene from Without a Trace. If officials have evidence, they are not reporting it.
Their consequences are going to be severe because they have embarrassed federal officials. And the longer they stay away, the worse their punishment is going to be.
However, I am in total awe of their audacity to attempt and succeed at escaping from prison. I’m intrigued by this for two reasons. First, they set a goal and did not stop until they achieved it – until they get caught. Do you know how many people have been planning to do stuff for years and still haven’t done it? Second, anytime you can outsmart the police, I am truly your greatest fan. I’m a chicken and wouldn’t do it myself, but kudos to those who do.
Above are the four reasons why Kenneth Conley and Joseph “Jose” Banks are my People of the Year. Who is your person of the year?
Image: AP