Shorty’s Thoughts on Gov. Quinn’s 911 Prank Call Penalties

Governor Pat Quinn
Governor Governor Pat Quinn

These are my thoughts about this new law.  This excerpt was taken from the Springfield Political Buzz Examiner, David Ormsby’s post.

“Making false calls to 9-1-1 can put our law enforcement officers and emergency responders in serious jeopardy and endangers public safety by straining resources,” said Quinn. “We must do everything we can to support the brave men and women who protect the public.”

While I completely understand the Governor’s position on false 9-1-1 calls, my South Side mind kicked in.  There are so many “real” 9-1-1 calls that either do not get responses or  the “the brave men and women” hired to “protect the public”  take a long time to respond to them.

Are these response times, or the lack thereof,  because they are on these false calls or do they not think calls made from certain areas on the South Side are important?  Or, are they afraid to go into some areas?

I’ll admit that there are some areas where I’m on pins and needles (I check out crime reports on Every Block Chicago quite often and attend CAPS meetings), but I don’t have a gun or bullet-proof vest.

Although the city is experiencing a lack of staff and budget cuts, many South Siders have experienced trauma and sometimes death because of long response times or no response at all from calls made to 9-1-1.  How can these situations be addressed?

What are your thoughts?