Will Policiticians Be Available after Today?

Shorty's Question about Political Candidates

I am certain I am not the only Chicago resident bombarded with phone calls from politicians and supporters regarding the primary elections. (Y’all have 30 more minutes to make it to the polls.)

All I want to know is: Will these same politicians that have been calling me these past few weeks be available to answer my calls or even meet with me after today –   whether they win or not?

There’s only one way to find out. I’m going to see how long it takes me to get on their schedules just to chat about what they are really going to do.

As a side note, if I didn’t think there was a possibility I could have won, I would have written my name in many of those categories.  I know that probably sounds vain, but I really do feel I am more qualified than some of the candidates running and have very little knowledge about politics.

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