Shorty’s Visit to City Hall on September 21st


Following is a summary of my visit to City Hall on Tuesday, September 22nd.

First, Aldermen earn $9213 a month or $110, 556 a year with no job descriptions. What are they getting paid for?

Second, they get an infrastructure budget of over $1 mil dollars and an Alderman budget.  I don’t know how much this is.  Yet.

Third, we won’t know who’s running for Mayor until November 22nd.

Shorty’s Thoughts
Aldermen jobs have often been called part-time because they are holding the position while working other jobs.  This is true in some cases, not all.  For those Aldermen who are working two jobs, can they effectively run their wards? Probably not.  This means their staff members are running the office.  Are these people being paid enough to do this?

One final thought. Do we really need 50 Aldermen in the city of Chicago? What do you think?

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