Should I Sacrifice People for Profit?

People vs Profit

Currently, I have over 1,500 readers per month with 85% of them being new visitors, and there are absolutely no conversations on this blog. Conversations is one of the ways advertisers determine if they will invest in a blog.  It shows that people are reading and are engaged.

I was speaking to someone who said that I could get sponsorship if I had more conversations.  To focus on sponsorship means that my focus will switch from sharing resources on the South Side of Chicago and to news and happenings.  You’re probably why I can’t do both? I am only one person with a business to build (check it out at  Shorty is a hobby I am looking to turn into a business.  If I had more writers, that would be possible.

So, I ask you, my readers, do you think I should sacrifice people for profit?

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