What Does King Richard & George Dub-Ya Have in Common?

Richard J. Daley & George W. Bush
Charles Rex Arbogast, Associated Press

According to Daley & Bush: Parallel Lives by Clarence Page in the the September 12, 2010 issue of the Chicago Tribune, Daley & Bush have the following in common.

More specifically, they are both

  1. “heirs to political dynasties”
  2. “namesake sons of powerful political figures”
  3. “produce spellbinding “locutions” of the English language
  4. “both would stay in office after their best times had peaked”

Page gave King Richard another accolade. “Daley improved the city’s skyline, commerce and quality of life.” (This statement is another story for another post).

He asked the $1 million question: Why would anyone want the job?  That’s a good question.  Especially when you see all the  people who have come forth for the position since King Richard denounced his throne for the next election year.

These are my thoughts.  The next mayor needs to learn from the South Side’s very own President Barack Obama.  Mr. President is drowning so deep in bull**** that Bush created that I know his prayer life has increased tremendously since he got into office.

As for Daley’s predecessor.  If he or she starts praying now, they may be off to a head start.  At least for the first couple days anyway.  I still believe that they are going to need a life jacket to help save them from drowning in the deep pile of dung that Daley created.  They probably won’t be able to actually govern until about 60 days into the position.

What are some of the issues do you think the next mayor needs to address?

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