What does President Obama have to do with Violence in Chicago?

I was watching a news show and I briefly heard someone say that this is the first time President Barack Obama has been to the city amidst the violence that is occurring.

President Obama

Allow me to say that I did not hear the whole story, so I don’t know what the topic was.  However, I am going to comment on the statement I heard the person make.

First of all, violence has been mounting in Chicago for years.  It just didn’t happen overnight.  In fact, Chicago was ranked the most violent city over 10 years ago when our current President was not even a senator.  So, what does his presence here have to do with the current level of violence? Would his being here mean anything to the people who are selling and using the guns?

Secondly, were the same demands being made of President Bush?  Probably not.  African Americans knew he couldn’t be count on during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.  Did anybody call Bush out on that one other than Kanye West?

I just had to say something about that comment because I felt the dude was saying that President Obama needs to come to Chicago to try to stop the violence that has bee building for years.  Honestly, it will be easier to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf than it will be to clean up the violence that has overtaken the streets of Chicago.

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  1. I'm tired of people trying making statements as if Obama can save us form ourselves. Parents as well as teens need to take responsibility for their actions. We need to start at home then work our way out to schools and communities. It would be nice to have more programs to keep our children busy and off the streets. This will not happen overnight and it will take more than the president giving a speech to clean up many many years of senseless acts of violence. Lets work on ourselves and our families then we can demand help from outside sources. People need to ask themselves WHAT HAVE I DONE TO TRY TO AID THE COMMUNITY? No one will help if they see people don't care about their own communities. Oh and the government, teacher's, volunteers, and anyone else SHOULD NOT RAISE OUR CHILDREN.

  2. All I want to know is: Who were people blaming before Prez. Obama got elected into office? Who will they blame after he's out and the violence is still going?

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