Does your community have a newspaper?
Is there a blogger covering your neighborhood?
If you answered “no” or “I don’t know” to either question, you might want to look into it. If there isn’t one, consider creating at least a newsletter to get started.
Ok, I’m about to jump on my soapbox.
You do realize that mainstream media – Channels 2, 5, 7 and 32 – don’t give a hoot about your community? Unless they are sharing negative news and images, your neighborhood or anything good going on it, may not be covered. You may get a little coverage from Channel 9.
As you should be well aware right about now, no one cares about your community like you do. And if you want good news, community events and other opportunities to spread, you have to ignite the fire. Yeah, I know leadership stinks to the high heavens, but you have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to get something done. And it won’t be easy.
Ok, I’m going to get off my soapbox now. I just wanted to plant the seed that if your community is not getting media coverage, than you may be the one to provide it. Otherwise, the only way people will know what’s happening in your community is by watching the mainstream media messages provided. And believe me, people judge you by what they see on TV whether it’s accurate or not. If you want change, you have to create it.
Again, I ask, who’s writing stories about your community?
Image: karachicorner